Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So there was big family drama in the beginning of September. Brian's sister who had been living with us for the last 3 years decided last minute to move out. Just after we had signed a new lease because she told us she would continue living with us and helping to pay the rent, $200 a month. That's it. For a 26 year old.
She decided she was moving back in with her mom, who had thrown her out previously because the mom did not like the sisters boyfriend (who is about 30 years older then her, her employer, and also married)
Then the mom got mad at us because we asked the sister to at least give us the rent for the previous month, which meant she had to go work for the boyfriend.

This was in the first week of September.

It is now the last week of December, the mom has not spoken to us, or seen her granddaughter for almost 4 months. She lives about 5 minutes away. At the family Christmas get together the mom did not show up. She did not send any gifts for her granddaughter.

All of this makes me so mad. The mom has done many things that make me mad in the 8 years I have been with my husband, she stopped talking to us for 3 months after the baby was born because she was upset with something I casually said, she stopped talking to us for about a year before we were married because I told her her sister was upset not to be included in a family picture. She did not decide to come to our wedding until the day before the wedding, and did not ever make any attempt to help out with any of the costs.

She has always been cold to me. When I was pregnant she once asked me "How is my baby doing". She takes advantage of my husband when she is talking to us, demanding yard work and other manual labor from him, not asking, demanding. She had decided at one point to have a cookout for our engagement/pregnancy, and decided at the last minute to cancel because she was upset her ex-husband (my husband's father) had made fun of her ex-daughter-in-law (my husband's brother ex-wife, who she adores and still spends social time with, even though the ex-daughter-in-law is now remarried with a child)

I am not a confrontational person. I am more of a live and let live person. If she is not talking to us, it's fine, we won't talk to her. My husband does not like to talk about it. When I asked him he says things like "she's probably more upset then we are".

But it's the baby's 2 year birthday next week. I sent an invitation to her though the mail. We haven't heard anything back. I am not sure I even want her there, I don't think the baby even really remembers who she is. She never talks or asks about her.

What to do?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Sick Baby

The Bee was sick yesterday.

She was acting fine all day. We went swimming at the Y and she seemed to have a good time. But about an hour later I picked her up and she felt very warm. We took her temperature and it was around 100.

She went to bed good, but woke up at 4 am. When I checked on her she was soaking wet from a combonation of peeing out her diaper and sweat. I felt so bad for her I let her sleep in the bed with B and I the rest of the night.